Saturday, 30 December 2017

Coffee, Pretty Please | Pulp by Palpathea, APW Bangsar

I just had a thought. It isn't exactly an elaborate one but it is enough to have me wondering if life works in the oddest possible ways.

For some weird reason.... Whenever I am at home and have already made the decision to stay at home, there is literally nothing in the world that can get me out.  I mean the world could be ending and I still would be adamant about staying indoors, mainly hidden in my room till everything ended. Spoken like a professional hermit.

But when I am already out however, I find that there are too little hours in a day that I can spend with whomever that I am with or where I am. Which was the case with Reubs & Leena. I mean, midway through lunch, these two were already talking about bringing me over to APW. Obviously there is zero complaints coming from me since it has been so long since I last saw them and I have already made up my mind on spending the entire day with them beforehand anyways.

Just don't make up plans last minute expecting me to go along with it, especially when I'm already at home or have made up my mind to go home. I'm an introvert and need proper mental preparation if I am to go/be out. #justputtingthisouthere
More adventures together please!
So, Leena told me about Pulp having really good coffee and plus, considering the fact that it was a weekday, she presumed that the space would be pretty empty. Something she really wanted while she finished up a bit of work. Meanwhile Reu could try to get in a little bit of studying (because I kind of forced him out xp) and this gives me a chance to finish my little side project.

APW was a mere five minutes walk away from Naj & Belle and since we were all super stuffed, walking seemed to be the most obvious choice. Plus we all knew how hard it is to get a parking around that area of Bangsar so it was a good idea to leave our cars at PAM Centre and make our way over to APW on our legs.

Thankfully, the weather was on our side too considering the hour of day we finished our brunch. I mean, in Malaysia, that is a rare feat. It was humid but at least there was no sun and super minimal breeze. Are we lucky or what?

No surprise that we managed to get a table almost immediately after arrived at Pulp. Though there were still a lot of people having their lunch and coffee fix there - some were even office workers. Maybe they have more freedom than I do so they take the opportunity to work outside of their designated office seat because it gives them an energy boost?

Because Coffee is all you need to survive the day.
Anyway we got a really nice table at the corner of the cafe, set our stuff down before making our way to the counter to order. In truth I was a little at a lost when I saw the menu because one part of me wanted to gravitate to my usual order of Cappuccino, but I already had that moments ago and another part of me wanted to try something different.

In the end I took the cashier's recommendation and ordered Pulp's In-House White Cold Brew which was served in a very nice bottle I must say. I find it quite funny that there's a 'do not remove from the property' printed on the label because sometimes, people need to be told embarrassingly enough. So don't go getting any ideas and decide to be sneaky. Please be civil human beings everybody.

As for the coffee, I quite liked it because the White Cold Brew was very creamy without being overly milky if that makes sense. Like a very smooth Latte, a super OP version you've ever tried before, without the taste of coffee being overpowered by mediocre milk. This did make me reconsider changing my regular order of Cappuccino to Latte instead. That's if I can get coffee as good as the ones you get at Pulp.

Whereas Leena ordered the opposite of what I had which was the In-House Black Cold Brew. I'm not one to drink black coffee because most of the ones I've tried before usually have a sour taste which I can't seem to appreciate. I had a sip of the cold brew and thought that it was actually pretty good. There was no sour after-taste and I could still smell the coffee.

Reu Reu however went in a very different route and order Iced Mint Chocolate. An odd selection but it was pretty good. The mint flavour was pretty pronounced even though the chocolate was super thick. Though I probably would not order that when I visit Pulp - coffee will always be my go-to beverage.
Chocolate Truffle Cake
We spent a good few hours there and I oddly enjoyed the feel of just chilling at a cafe be it to do work or just to be for a while. I loved those few hours that we were there especially because Pulp plays really good coffeehouse jazz musics.

Midway through the day, we decided to get a Chocolate Truffle Cake as a treat to share between the three of us. Not being much of a sweet-person I only had a few bites of the cake and in truth, it is pretty good. Just maybe a tad bit too rich for a single person to finish it on their own.

While Leena was finishing up her work and Reu was studying, I was just chilling. Though really I was trying to finish up a wedding invitation I was helping my friend to do and I was taking really long because in truth, I've never done graphic designing before. I've never even studied the basics except for a little tricks which I picked up from youtube videos. I basically self-learned Adobe Illustrator and also Photoshop - so to have someone trust me enough to design their wedding invitation was freaking amaaaaazing. And stressful.

Also, to have someone trust in whatever little skills I have in wedding planning was the biggest honour I am ever going to get. Though this, I will have to talk about in another post or else this one is just going to be all over the place.

Anyway, evening approaches and we finally decided to take our leave. Leena had another engagement to get to so we all thought it was best to call it a day. But not without taking many many pictures to commemorate the day.

Going for a little bit of a glamourous Beegees-esque shot here.

I kinda am loving the hell out of this picture which was taken by my friend who is one of the co-founder of Makirito. It's basically a giant burrito but sushi-style which sounds hella good because I love anything sushi-related. I have yet to try it out yet but this also means that I will have to drop by APW again soon to try out the other restaurants there.

Apparently Proof + Wine is pretty good from what I've read from bloggers and heard from a few friends - so I definitely have to drop by once more someday to try all the restaurants there. There's Breakfast Thieves, Kaiju, Proof + Wine and Makirito.

More food adventures with my pretty brunch gang, I think yes!
Can't believe I'm going to say this but we've actually known each other for quite a long time. Has it already been six years since we all met in college? Where has the time gone?

Mandatory 'not-looking-at-the-camera' shot which 99% of Instagram girls do. I mean I personally love this angle for me so you can't see how chubby my face actually is so I see no reason to keep this photo.

Can you tell how amazing my friends are at photography?
Is this my natural expression? 
So I was editing my pictures and as I close the tab of my previous photo, I am ambushed by this very unready photo of myself. It was clear that I was dying from the heat and just.... I can't even explain this expression but I find it so funny that I can't not share it.

And because it is practically blasphemous to not have my photograph taken at the infamous stairs of APW, I had to have a mini-shoot there. Plus I have an amazing photographer with me that day so it would be foolish to not be taking advantage of the moment while I could.

After all, who knows when will be the next time I will be back here. So here are some gratuitous photos of myself which Reu took for me hence the fact that it looks really good. The photos I mean, not mean.

Pic Credit: Reu reu
Pic Credit: Reu Reu
Dress & Bag from Zalora
Shoes from H&M
Now after months of procrastination, I finally got this blog post up and in the meantime I actually had so many odd little adventures along the way. Which I guess is good for me to attempt to keep this blog alive despite how little effort I have been putting into this space.

So let's hope I manage to keep up this random interlude of updates now.

She's mad, but she's magic.
There is no lie in her fire. 
- Charles Bukowski

Until next time darlings.

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