Well...... This is sort of an awkward start and what really bums me out is; I do not have anything fancy to use as an opening line. Though I really wish I had one so it can be a damn good start to this post and blog too. But alas, none comes to mind even with really nice music playing. So here, have a very lame and forced greeting. Even though I would have preferred to start this entry another way rather than just jumping to the point.
So it has been years since I last typed out a blog post, especially on this particular platform. Now being on it and attempting to start a blog of my own (once again) feels more than a little foreign to me. There's this feeling that's kinda exciting but scary at the same time, something that is very hard to put into words. At least for me.
Just imagine the excitement and uncertainty that comes when you swim in the ocean for the first time? Not just around the shallow area near the shores but farther out in the big body of water that makes you feel so much smaller than you already are. Refreshing, exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Making you feel as if you can go anywhere, do anything you want as long as you want to. Except, there are many terrors lurking below just waiting to pull you down.
The thought that I am finally going to write a blog again after abandoning my last one - which will never see the light of day now because it's just painful to even think of nonetheless look at, is kind of... Odd to say the least. Also sort of nostalgic.
To be honest, I don't know where to go with this post. What was initially planned to have been a real special entree to a new blog and yet, I am completely stuck at a crossroad with next to no muse because she's apparently fluttered off somewhere to have fun. Which leaves me with a post that looks rather lopsided and gets on my OCD-stricken nerves. But we all must start somewhere eventually and this is where it shall for me.
So, let's start with what is to be expected of the contents of this page and where it is headed.
On one hand I want to be focusing more something that I have always adored, which is make-up, fashion and/or food. Those however would require more than just time and research as most of those require lots of money, something that I do not have an endless supply of. Although those will be making an appearance every now & then, it certainly would not be the main attraction hence I could not exactly call this site a beauty and fashion blog. Heck, I can't even make this into a food porn blog, though I really want to because just think of all the yums... But not yet.
After all the twist and turns with no ending, I'm still back to my very first question; what can I categorize this page as without eventually drifting away from what I initially wanted to make of my blog? And where would it take me? I may be looking far too much into this, but it's better to look farther than what the horizon is offering.
It had taken me days to finally decide on a label, even if that's not my favourite word, as well as many a panicked discussion with a few friends, before I finally came to a conclusion. Though this isn't exactly the ideal and most perfected choice that I've made, then again it isn't even one that warrants a ceremonial party but it is as good as it gets. Rather than pigeon-hole myself at the end of the day by giving myself only a specific genre which would make things more difficult for myself.
Hence why I've finally decided that it would be safer to describe this page as a Lifestyle blog. At least I can still write make-up and fashion related things, food reviews and also other things. While my main concern at first was to write about the aforementioned few things. Also I am determined to put my knack for debate and build my journalism skills to hopefully someday land my dream job as a writer for a magazine.
There will be an article or two every now and then about a topic that pique my interests in hopes that someday it'll lead me somewhere. It is quite a long shot and I know that, but I mean, hey, one can dream and should do something to chase said dream right? So here I am taking my first step to finally braving the storm and putting my writing out into the world.
Until the next time, lovelies. Or shall I say until the next ramble?
With love,
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