Sunday, 24 May 2015


Alright, so first things first, this is a filler post of a sorts.

For starters, the intended blog post that is supposed to be posted instead of this rant is not done yet. Secondly, I'm stuck in a bit of a writing ditch.

Which is funny considering that my idea was to write down a list of things that could help me with getting out of writer's block. Yet, ironically, I am stuck in one.


This happened about a week ago, maybe even more since I procrastinated with writing this post. Someone asked me about this blog of mine and what I was intending to write in it. Obviously my first reaction was to blank out for a couple of seconds before finally managing to form a sentence and my response to the question had been,

'Oh, it's going to be a lifestyle blog. So there can be things about fashion, beauty, food and all things in between'.

Taking into consideration how long it took me to even decide what I wanted to make of this page before and how easily it was for me to describe my blog so quickly - and you can imagine how pleased I was with myself at that very moment. My confidence was through the roof. However, it did not last very long because said person I was talking to said something that really struck a nerve.

'How can you write a lifestyle blog when nothing interesting is going on? Shouldn't you be living the life? People wouldn't covet nor want to read about anything when you don't have something interesting to offer. So at least go do something more substantial; just live a more interesting life.'

Wow. Just wow. Then just like that, everything goes from great to crap in the next second. It's ironic how it takes so much to build one's confidence and one small thing can ruin it all.

Though to be honest, I am not sure if that person meant what they said in a hurtful manner. Maybe to them it sounded like constructive criticism. And maybe I was cranky from a very frustrating week of work, hence I took offence at what was said. Mostly, what got to me is that, what they said was not all wrong.

What my life is like these days to most people is pretty normal, occasionally can even be considered as incredibly boring to some. Though, is it really?

Basically, every Monday to Friday, is work. After which I just head straight home and stay there, already too tired to deal with anything else for the day. Some times, very rarely, I will force myself to go to the gym or try to work out cause healthy is the new sexy. Then if my friend is free, maybe I'd have dinner with my best friend to catch up on our lives.

Other than that, there really isn't anything much eventful on weekdays on the regular. Then there's the weekend - which unfortunately is smaller in number than the amount of actual working days. So there isn't much that I'm motivated to do other than sleep. It is important to a sloth like myself.

Occasionally on either Saturdays or Sundays, there will be plans made with friends to spend the day out. Depending on the plans made, my friends and I would find somewhere nice to have a nice cup of coffee while we chatter away about everything and nothing.

Another funny thing that I just realized that we like to do is go on food hunting adventures & look for places that are really pretty for pictures. Usually these kind of days where I am out would always make me feel really happy and not at all tired even if I am out almost the entire day.

Personally, for an introvert like myself, the best thing to do is to just stay cooped up in my room with a good book and maybe binge watching my favorite TV series like Criminal Minds or Supernatural. This combination is really good for a weary soul after having to deal with people on a daily basis. And I'm shamelessly admitting that I love it!


So yeah; my life can seem pretty mundane and not worth blogging about like some bloggers that I follow. Then again, not everyone's life is the same because we all do things differently and have different interests. Some people like sports and activities that involves stepping out of the house for a good chunk of their day, then there are some that likes to spend their time alone with their thoughts. Different but still good in their own ways.

Does that make one better than the other? I'll let you think about that on your own. Personally, I don't think so. There are things I may not agree with but it really isn't my business at all - everyone has their own prerogative and is allowed to live their lives the way they think is best for themselves. Even if everyone around them thinks otherwise.

Plus, people tend to forget that what is being posted online, whether it's Facebook, Instagram, daily vlogs and blogs are merely the highlights of a person's life. There will be ups and downs, but you only get to see what they want you to see which is usually the better parts of their lives. Why would anyone show you the bad parts? To get sympathy and attention? No.

Moral of this very long rant is: You do not have to answer to anybody but yourself. Tell these people to piss off and not stick their noses in business that is not theirs unless they mean well.

What's important is to live life fruitfully and as long as you're happy, then it is probably good enough. And if for me that means writing things that will almost never see the light of day and putting my little thoughts & adventures onto this blog, then so be it.

I guess my dear readers just have to see the world through my eyes while you're here.

Until the next time, darlings~