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Here's an obvious hint for those who are still rather confused - Events & Soirees galore. (; |
Let me recap how the past two weeks has been so far.
I believe it has been rather short but also quite a long week of change for me. But I don't know how to explain my days properly so I'm just going to list down whatever that comes to mind for now and maybe the challenges I've encountered in the past few days then go from there.
1. Change.
Like I said before, I cannot deal with change all that well. In fact, I don't even know how to deal with it at all because my instant reaction to that is just panic and overthink on the worst possible scenario before anything can even happen. I am a creature of habit and would prefer staying in my comfort zone where it is safe regardless of how mundane it is - which explains why I hadn't left my previous company despite how much I complain about my days there off duty.
And then came this new job along with an opportunity which I can't miss, yet I was terrified of having to change my usual routine entirely. Also I had to change my work environment, boss, way of doing things and a whole lot more. Safe to say that I was launched straight into an anxiety attack the night before my first day at work.
But........ As crazy as this sounds, everything went better than I expected & my week has been pretty good. I don't want to jinx things just yet but there have been no hiccups. I hope things just continue the way they are then it'll be good. *faster touch wood a million times*
2. First big event.
On my second day itself there was a wedding in which the whole office had to go help setup. This was my very first time being part of the crew and let's just say it was more batshit crazy than I ever thought it would be.
Whenever I'm scrolling through my Instagram feed and come across a new picture of the event that my company has done, I find it super beautiful. Foolishly, I never really considered just how much work goes into turning a simple and rather empty space into something that resembles someone's ideal/dream party. Not only does it take a lot of planning days and even weeks in advance, a lot of effort also goes into preparing the actual day to turn out just exactly what has been envisioned before.
And after working for literally 12 hours (setup + tear down) for a wedding, I have so much more appreciation for event planners.
3. Making new friends.
My immediate reaction to number 3 is NO. HELL NO. GOODBYE.
This is another thing on my list of experiences I wish to avoid for as long as possible. Except when it came to switching jobs, I clearly have to face the giant problem even if I was crying on the inside. I hate making new friends and meeting people for the first time just makes me feel all weird. I'm an awkward potato ohkay. Days and weeks even joining this new company, I was just secretly praying for nice colleagues because working with people who are a pain is just going to cause so much problems.
But like always I'm lucky when it comes to working colleagues & boss. Everyone in the office is really nice even though I was super clueless the first week and stupidly tried to understand how everything works.
4. Work.
Mostly paperwork. Considering the fact that my role specifically means that I handle the entire admin department, it should come as no surprise that I'd be facing this day in and day out. But the amount of paperwork that I've been dealing with in the short amount of time is seriously enough to make me go slightly bonkers. The scary thing is; it never really ends.
However, I am slowly getting the hang of it all and growing accustomed to all the different systems. And just inching my way to the finish line wherever it is at right now.
5. Office.
This is part of the whole change which I also wasn't really looking forward to. Until I was there and.... Yeah, let's just say I changed my mind. Like I cannot even properly explain how much I adore my new office. And because I'm too lazy to explain how it looks like, you get a picture that I sneakily took when I was the only one in the office early in the morning.
Floor to ceiling glass windows!
If you know me well enough then you'd know that I have a small obsession with them. It somehow just makes a space look so much more elegant and spacious, even if it does let in a lot of light.
OMG. The best part of the entire office (aside from the fully stocked pantry) is my table. Right at the corner of the room and against the wall. That makes my inner introvert so happy because I can be left alone to do my work.
And it's time for me to get back to work now. See you all next time!
I believe it has been rather short but also quite a long week of change for me. But I don't know how to explain my days properly so I'm just going to list down whatever that comes to mind for now and maybe the challenges I've encountered in the past few days then go from there.
1. Change.
Like I said before, I cannot deal with change all that well. In fact, I don't even know how to deal with it at all because my instant reaction to that is just panic and overthink on the worst possible scenario before anything can even happen. I am a creature of habit and would prefer staying in my comfort zone where it is safe regardless of how mundane it is - which explains why I hadn't left my previous company despite how much I complain about my days there off duty.
And then came this new job along with an opportunity which I can't miss, yet I was terrified of having to change my usual routine entirely. Also I had to change my work environment, boss, way of doing things and a whole lot more. Safe to say that I was launched straight into an anxiety attack the night before my first day at work.
But........ As crazy as this sounds, everything went better than I expected & my week has been pretty good. I don't want to jinx things just yet but there have been no hiccups. I hope things just continue the way they are then it'll be good. *faster touch wood a million times*
2. First big event.
On my second day itself there was a wedding in which the whole office had to go help setup. This was my very first time being part of the crew and let's just say it was more batshit crazy than I ever thought it would be.
Whenever I'm scrolling through my Instagram feed and come across a new picture of the event that my company has done, I find it super beautiful. Foolishly, I never really considered just how much work goes into turning a simple and rather empty space into something that resembles someone's ideal/dream party. Not only does it take a lot of planning days and even weeks in advance, a lot of effort also goes into preparing the actual day to turn out just exactly what has been envisioned before.
And after working for literally 12 hours (setup + tear down) for a wedding, I have so much more appreciation for event planners.
3. Making new friends.
My immediate reaction to number 3 is NO. HELL NO. GOODBYE.
This is another thing on my list of experiences I wish to avoid for as long as possible. Except when it came to switching jobs, I clearly have to face the giant problem even if I was crying on the inside. I hate making new friends and meeting people for the first time just makes me feel all weird. I'm an awkward potato ohkay. Days and weeks even joining this new company, I was just secretly praying for nice colleagues because working with people who are a pain is just going to cause so much problems.
But like always I'm lucky when it comes to working colleagues & boss. Everyone in the office is really nice even though I was super clueless the first week and stupidly tried to understand how everything works.
4. Work.
Mostly paperwork. Considering the fact that my role specifically means that I handle the entire admin department, it should come as no surprise that I'd be facing this day in and day out. But the amount of paperwork that I've been dealing with in the short amount of time is seriously enough to make me go slightly bonkers. The scary thing is; it never really ends.
However, I am slowly getting the hang of it all and growing accustomed to all the different systems. And just inching my way to the finish line wherever it is at right now.
5. Office.
This is part of the whole change which I also wasn't really looking forward to. Until I was there and.... Yeah, let's just say I changed my mind. Like I cannot even properly explain how much I adore my new office. And because I'm too lazy to explain how it looks like, you get a picture that I sneakily took when I was the only one in the office early in the morning.
If you know me well enough then you'd know that I have a small obsession with them. It somehow just makes a space look so much more elegant and spacious, even if it does let in a lot of light.
OMG. The best part of the entire office (aside from the fully stocked pantry) is my table. Right at the corner of the room and against the wall. That makes my inner introvert so happy because I can be left alone to do my work.
And it's time for me to get back to work now. See you all next time!
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